
Interior and lighting of House 6-4

kitchen and dining room

Jung-Bae Kim | 기사입력 2021/02/12 [03:45]

Interior and lighting of House 6-4

kitchen and dining room

Jung-Bae Kim | 입력 : 2021/02/12 [03:45]


▲ The appearance of the dining room in the apartment. (Photo provided by Hanyang E&C)    

© World Lighting News.



▲ The appearance of the kitchen in the apartment. (Photo provided by Hanyang E&C)    

© World Lighting News.




· Written by : Jung-Bae Kim. Publisher & Editor. Lighting Critic.


Until now, kitchens and restaurants have been relatively small sectors in housing. This can be said to be because the attention of the interior and lighting of the house has been con-centrated in the living room, which is a common space of the house, and the bedroom, w-hich is a private space.

But times have changed. As family conversation and intimacy began to become important, the importance of restaurants where families shared food became increasingly important.
The same is true for the kitchen. The making of food through the media is often broadcas-t, and many cooking-related shows appear on TV, making the kitchen the hottest place in the house.

In addition, as the perception that the kitchen, the only work space in the house, is a preci-ous place for women, a lot of attention has been given to the interior and lighting of the kitchen.

With this new trend, the interiors and lighting of the kitchen and dining room have been reborn as the space that needs the most attention and consideration in the house.

Lighting design that picture paper does not occur in kitchen is necessary

In this regard, first consider the interior and lighting of the kitchen. As pointed out earlier, the kitchen is the place where housewives spend the most time in their homes. Therefore, the most important thing in the interior and lighting of the kitchen is the kitchen furniture.


Kitchen furniture is an essential element in preparing and cooking food. It is also a place f-or handling dangerous objects such as knives and fire. Therefore, the most important thin-g in the kitchen is the safety of the housewife.

Given this, the most important thing in the interior of a kitchen is the choice of kitchen fur-niture. Therefore, kitchen furniture should be carefully selected from a housewife-centere-d perspective on design, form, material, and color. If you look carefully at these points, th-e interior of the kitchen is naturally determined.

Keep in mind that the lighting in the kitchen is a 'work space'. In particular, in consideratio-n of the safety of the housewife who cooks in front of the kitchen furniture, 'glare-free' li-ghting should be installed so that the work surface does not have shadows and the light f-rom the luminaire does not enter the housewife's eyes directly.

The restaurant should be equipped with high color rendering fixtures

Although the restaurant is often attached to the kitchen, it is used for a different purpose than the kitchen, and therefore requires a different interior and lighting.

In the interior of a restaurant, the material, color, and size of the dining table are also imp-ortant, so it is important to integrate these elements within the interior design concept of the whole house.

It is the design and the color of the table that should be of interest in this regard. If the in-terior of the house is modern, it would be reasonable to choose a modern table.

On the other hand, there are no places where lighting is as important as a restaurant. The reason why the lighting of the restaurant is important is that it has a unique color temper-ature (light color) according to the light source used, and the color of the food is changed depending on the color temperature of the light source.

For example, if the color temperature of the light is 2700 ~ 3000K, the white food will loo-k orange. In light of this, it is better to select a light source with a color temperature of w-hite as a light source for a restaurant lighting fixture.

In the past, most people used to illuminate a dining room with a single fluorescent lamp t-able lamp. However, nowadays, a new type of LED light fixture hanging down from the ta-ble top in the form of a pendant is widely used as a table light fixture. In particular, some of these tables can be used to adjust the length of the string.

The most important thing about lighting a restaurant is to make sure the food looks clean and delicious. To do this, it is desirable to use a high color rendering fixture that reproduc-es the natural colors of food as close to nature as possible.

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