
German International Forum Design Announces Winners of '2020 IF Awards'

Creative works were selected as winners

Jung-Bae Kim | 기사입력 2021/02/12 [12:06]

German International Forum Design Announces Winners of '2020 IF Awards'

Creative works were selected as winners

Jung-Bae Kim | 입력 : 2021/02/12 [12:06]



▲ Hush of Martinelliluce.(Photo courtesy of=Martinelliluce)     © World Lighting News.



▲ 2020 IF Award Winner Memory of SOLLOS.(Photo courtesy of=SOLLOS)     © World Lighting News.



▲ 2020 IF Award Winner Shiftline of DELTA.(Photo courtesy of=DELTA)     © World Lighting News.



· Written by : Jung-Bae Kim. Publisher & Editor. Lighting Critic.


There are countless designers in this world. There are also many design companies.

Companies that produce products or design and build places such as homes, offices,

shops, hot-els and restaurants can also be found.

But it's very easy to tell which of these many designers, design companies, manufacturers, space designers and builders are really good designers and where they are. That's because the designers and companies that have won the world's top three design awards are

those people.

What is the world's three major design awards? Needless to say, it's Germany's Red Dot

and iF and America's IDEA awards. If you have won at least one of the three awards, you

can believe that you have better skills and talent than a designer or company that did not win this award.

2020 iF Design Award Winners

One of the world's three major design awards, the iF Design Award, is hosted by

Germany's International Forum Design. “International Forum Design” was founded in 1953. Since 1954, the company has selected and announced award-winning works in seven c

ategories, including products, packaging and communications, each year.

Among these, the product design field is divided into several subdivisions such as

transportation, leisure goods, computers, lighting, and furniture. Winners will be selected

based on a comprehensive evaluation of ▲design ▲materials ▲innovation

▲environmentality ▲brand value.

This year, on February 5th, the winner of the 2020 iF Design Award was announced. For

this year's 2020 IF DESIGN AWARD, 78 international design professionals from more than

20 countries received 1453 Winners and Gold Awards out of 7298 products from 56

countries. Selected point. The best of these is the Gold Awards.

Many lighting fixtures receive the main prize and the gold prize

In particular, more than 50 lighting fixtures were included in this year's award-winning

works. Common to lighting fixtures that have received the iF Design Award this year is a

differentiated design idea. This shows that the design of lighting fixtures is changing from pro-duct design that emphasizes form beauty to emphasize creative ideas and originality.

What is important in lighting fixtures is not only the differentiation and beauty of the

form, but also the meaning of creativity, creativity and novelty. These 2020 iF Design

Award winners give us many thoughts. First of all, what should we pay attention to is

"what is the design of world-class lighting equipment?" Or “What should it be?” Is that.

A significant number of luminaire design works that have received the `2020 iF Design

Award' mean that many luminaire designers are either highly talented or capable of

producing outstanding luminaires.

If you admit that's a reality, luminaire designers all over the world must focus on

sharpening their skills. It is obvious that it will not be easy to stand out in the world of

lighting design with good design capability.

The next problem is the reality facing lighting makers. Luminaire makers are now in a

position to cultivate very good luminaire designers themselves or to be left out of the

lighting market unless they are scouting outside. As such, we will have to practice design


This article introduces some of the winners of the Winner or Gold Awards at this year's

2020 iF Design Award. For more information, visit the '2020 iF Design Awards' homepage.


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