
Flos has released a new product DIversion

Lighting fixtures characterized by extreme flexibility

Jung-Bae Kim | 기사입력 2021/02/12 [18:01]

Flos has released a new product DIversion

Lighting fixtures characterized by extreme flexibility

Jung-Bae Kim | 입력 : 2021/02/12 [18:01]



▲ Diversion of Flos.(Photo courtesy of=Lissoni Casal Ribeiro)     © World Lighting News.



· Designed by : Lissoni Casal Ribeiro / Architectural Company. 

· Written by : Jung-Bae Kim / Publisher & Editor. Lighting Critic.

Diversion is an innovative and minimalized lighting system designed by Piero Lissoni for

surface and suspended installation, characterized by its extreme flexibility.


A multifunctional rail integrates strip lighting and small spotlights and is capable of a

dapting to any architectural need and enabling the creation of countless geometries.


“For me the light is a special line scratched within the darkness. And all these technologiehelp me cut through this darkness”. Piero Lissoni said.



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