Seoul City conducts '2020 Citizen's Practical Energy Conservation Competition'Campaign for citizens to practice and settle key environmental and energy policies
· Written by : So-Won Park. Journalist.
Conservation Contest” so that citizens can practice energy conservation and production culture in their daily lives, and that applications will be accepted from March 18th to April 5th 2020.
The “Citizens' Practical Energy Conservation Project” has been implemented by the Seoul Metropolitan Government since 2013 to enable citizens to practice and settle major environmental and energy policies in the city, such as “Greenhouse Gas Reduction” and “City of the Sun, Seoul”.
Last year, creative educational methods such as'energy conservation practice educational play' were newly introduced through public offerings, and a total of 43 organizations participated, and 100,000 citizens participated through 1163 education and campaigns, and 2794 citizens received'eco mileage. 'Subscribed to.
A theater company selected for the 2019 public offering presented a performance on the seriousness of the climate crisis so that children can perceive the climate crisis theme as a problem directly connected to their future through plays. It toured at 9 schools in elementary, middle, and high schools, and among the performances, more than 200 schools received great response.
The Seoul Metropolitan Government provides up to 50 million won to organizations participating in the “Citizens' Practical Energy Conservation Project of the Year” and up to 10 million won to gatherings of three or more citizens. The total support budget is about 400 million won.
Support targets are groups (non-profit private organizations and corporations, social cooperatives) or a group of three or more citizens (if the workplace and actual living rights are in Seoul, participation is possible).
In particular, this year, the door to university students will be greatly opened to actively encourage GHG reduction campaigns such as energy conservation campaigns in universities. In addition, the Mayor's Citation will be awarded to up to three people per group, including the representatives and project managers of the three best performing organizations, to encourage university students to participate in the project and improve their performance. submitted by the'Seoul City Citizens' Energy Conservation Competition Deliberation Committee' and reviewed according to the selection criteria such as the appropriateness and originality of the project, the ability of the project performing group, and the appropriateness of the budget plan. It is a policy to select groups or civic groups. The selection results will be announced on April 21st. City website ( by April 5th. After receiving, fill out and register online (Seoul Subsidies Management System,
For more information regarding the application, please contact the Seoul City website or the City Energy Citizenship Cooperation Division (tel: 02-2133-3586). "Seoul City is taking the lead in reducing greenhouse gas emissions such as production of new and renewable energy and energy saving together with citizens," said Yeon-ji Kim, head of the Seoul Energy Citizens Cooperation Division. I hope that I will think about the method and put it into practice in real life.”
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