
Son Ki-jeong Children's Library

A sports facility's lighting design honoring Son Ki-jeong, Olympic gold medal marathon runner

Jung-Bae Kim | 기사입력 2021/02/14 [19:16]

Son Ki-jeong Children's Library

A sports facility's lighting design honoring Son Ki-jeong, Olympic gold medal marathon runner

Jung-Bae Kim | 입력 : 2021/02/14 [19:16]


▲ The inside of the newly opened Son Ki-jeong Children's Library. (Photo courtesy of=Seoul City Hall)     © World Lighting News.



Location : 101, Son Ki-jeong-ro, Junglim-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul
Owner : Seoul City Hall.
●Written by : Jung-Bae Kim / Publisher & Editor. Lighting Critic.
Photo courtasy : Seoul City Hall.


'Son Ki-jeong Sports Park' located in Junglim-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul, Korea is a sports

facility honoring Son Ki-jeong, a 'marathon hero' who won a gold medal in a marathon

event by participating in the Berlin Olympics held in Korea during the colonial period of



After 30 years of the creation of the Son Ki-jeong Sports Park, it will be reborn as a diverse cultural and sports hub space centered on 'Running'.

The Seoul Metropolitan Government first opened the main facility of the 'Son Ki-jeong

Sports Park', which is being rebuilt as the “Holy Land of Learning” on May 27, and

provides corona 19 as a resting space for tired and tired locals.

The official reopening is planned to take place in September, taking into account the

Corona 19 situation. The facilities that are open to citizens at this time are *Running Track.*Multi-purpose Playground Children's Library *Children's Playground *Gate Ball Field.

The two centers, the Learning Center and Son Ki-jeong Memorial Hall, will be open at the official opening in September, 2020.

Seoul City Hall initially planned to reopen the park in July, but explained that the

construction of major facilities, entry and exit improvements, and planting of trees was

completed, and it was opened early considering the convenience of residents who had not used the park during the construction period.

'Son Ki-jeong Sports Park' was established in 1990 as Yangjeong High School, the alma

mater of Korea's first Olympic medalists Son Ki-jeong and Nam Seung-ryong, and was

later designated as a physical park in 1997.

However, the purpose and identity of the park was established due to limitations of

existing facilities. Because of this fading, it was difficult to enjoy a marathon/learning


Seoul City Hall has been promoting the park as a city regeneration project around Seoul

Station to celebrate these marathon heroes who have done their “best” together with Son Ki-jeong, Nam Seung-ryong, and the best by re-lighting these parks.

Meanwhile, the “Son Ki-jeong Children's Library”, which was newly established in the Son Ki-Jung Sports Park, was created using some of the public parking lot buildings located at the south entrance of the park.

This space, which was first encountered at the park entrance, was originally used as a

management office and various warehouses, but was remodeled as a library for children

to convey the values of'our history', 'best effort' and 'cooperation' to future generations.

In particular, the children's playground, located at the innermost of the park and away

from the accessibility, was moved to the children's library and expanded to create

convenience and fun for children to use the park. The Jung-gu Cultural Foundation has

been preparing for library operation since April, and it is available from May 27 through

partial opening of the park.

The renewal of the Son Ki-jeong Sports Park, transforming into a marathon park, was a

renewal of the Son Ki-jeong Memorial Hall. Despite the reputation of Son Ki-jeong, this

project started in earnest in 2017 in order to revamp the marathon heroes by completely

reorganizing the exhibition where the average number of visitors per day is only one digit.

The Seoul Metropolitan Government completed the design in April 2019 based on discussions with the general designer, 10 youth creators, expert advisors, marathoners, runners,

several citizens, and exhibitions of the Son Ki-jeong Memorial Hall and renewal of the

entire park. The construction was completed in July 2019 in Jung-gu. Set out.

The renewal of the Son Ki-jeong Memorial Hall is currently under construction with the

creation of the interior space of the Nam Seung-ryong Running Center and will be

opened through a formal event to reopen the park.
'Son Ki-jeong Children's Library' and Lighting

'Son Ki-jeong  Children's Library' is a remarkable space in that it is a library for children.

This is because the user is clearly set as a child compared to the general library used by

both children and adults.

Therefore, the lighting of the 'Son Ki-jeong Children's Library' had to be designed and

constructed under the clear goal of'creating a beneficial lighting environment for

children's reading activities'.

The points are “Lighting for the health of children's eyes”, “Lights for reading comfort”,

and “Lights for children to be safe”.

Lighting for children's eye health can be said to be an indirect lighting that does not have blue light, which is undesirable for eye health, has excellent color rendering, does not

cause glare, and does not allow light to enter the eye directly. Ensuring sufficient

illumination is essential here.

'Flickr-free lighting (light without flickering light)' is required as a convenient lighting for

reading. ‘Flicker’ is a phenomenon that occurs when using alternating current. It should be a light that does not show flicker, so it does not hurt or fatigue your eyes.

In terms of 'safety lighting', sufficient illumination and high color rendering are essential.

In a dark place, the probability of missing or hitting an object increases, and if the color

rendering property is not high, colors are not properly reproduced, which makes it difficult to accurately recognize the object.


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